How Living With Fire Can Help

We have many tools available to educators, homeowners, community groups, fire safe councils/fire adapted communities and firefighting professionals to help educate and inform others about mitigating Nevada’s wildfire threat. Presented below are some of the resources available to help make your home and community more likely to survive a wildfire.

Order Living with Fire Materials

If you are interested in ordering any Living With Fire publications, complete the publication order form.


Assist with a Meeting or Event

We can assist in scheduling a workshop or presentation to interested groups on a variety of topics – just ask! Use our Contact us online form to discuss how we can help at your next meeting or event.


Customize Publication Files

We have publications available (created in Adobe InDesign) for you to customize for your region. Check out each publication to determine which one meets your needs then contact us to request the files.


Borrow a Display

There are multiple displays that can be reserved for use at community events, HOA meetings, fire department/protection districts, activities and many other types of events. Contact us for more information or to request it for your event. Note that transportation is not provided.


Borrow a Youth Activity

We have two youth activities available for use at your event! Check out each activity to decide which better suits your needs. Please contact us for more information or to request it for your event. Note that transportation is not provided.


Create your Own Ember House

The Ember House is a youth activity that promotes wildfire ember awareness for young and old alike. This scaled-down house front features vulnerable spots to embers. If you are interested in creating your own Ember House, please contact us.


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